Tuesday, March 4, 2008

reduce, reuse, recycle.

i'm standing in the kitchen, cooking dinner and i realize i never touched on the subject of PAPER PRODUCTS :)

one way to live providently and be prepared at the same time is to stop relying on paper products. We keep them in the house, but we use cloth as much as we can. We use dish towels, cloth napkins, and large washclothes, as rags, in the kitchen and for dusting and cleaning. We use cloth diapers 99% of the time. And, the girls tend to use cloth wipes in the bathroom. The kitchen towels and rags get washed with the regular laundry. We run a load of diapers and cloth wipes separately at least twice per week.

Since we pay for the cloth product one time, we end up saving money over the long run. Paper towels and toilet paper last us a long time in this house, disposable wipes and diapers do too.

Living this way not only saves you money, and trips to the store, but it also reduces the amount of trash you create. :)

If you don't have a working washer and dryer, you can wash by hand in your sink or tub and then line dry. Line drying in the sunshine is an excellant way to remove stains from items too! Squirt a little lemon juice on there and you have an instant stain treatment.

One more step in reducing, reusing and recycling is to use old sheets, pillow cases, blankets and towels to make these items yourself in your home.

Thanks for reading!

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